Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Why a Blog?

I'm thinking how cool it is to have a place to get things off my chest, so to speak. Not seriousely bad things. Like I  paid my electric bill early as always and several weeks later I got a disconnect notice with a 22.00 fee for the disconnection.I call and talked to three people with no help. The fourth said she would ask to have my payment returned to my account. She saw it had been put on a closed account that owed fees. She stopped the disconnect although I continued to get threatening calls from somewhere but not connected to the electric co. and who had only that I owed blank dollars and would have my electric cut off by the 29th. Today!
I called one more time to be sure all was straightened out. I was told what my new bill would be on another call and this time it was 22.00 more. They still charged me the fee. I got a Supervisor through some miracle, they only return calls when they feel like it. She straightened it out when I insisted she could wave it. My electricity is still on. There is a God! Good night and keep it safe out there. Hugs,Kat

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