Friday, May 24, 2013

Well,  it's been a long time since I've made an entry. I see lots of changes have taken place. Dad only has one more week of school! He's retired. We plan to go on many trips on our trike. (See previous blogs for pics of trike) On a sad note, our lab, Maggie had to go to puppy heaven. She had a good life, but we are still mourning her loss, as is our Sugar her sister. Those who know from experience,know this is a very difficult experience.

We have taken some of Dad's leave days and have had fun shopping and eating out. We found a tobacoist called "En Fuego" in our journeys. There are many on line if you are interested. Next, we plan to travel.  We have always traveled. Don't wait till you retire? More soon. God Bless  Kat

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fall has arrived

It's been beautiful the last few weeks!  Cool and sunny. We've ridden our trike many times.  Sometimes the wind is gusty so we only ride for a little while. (See trike on previous blogs) I have had two jobs recently. I was with Avon for one campaign.  It's not as easy to sell as when I was with them when Thad was a baby, 40 years ago. How old am I, you're wondering. I'm 66 as of September 19th. I taught school for 30 years andwhen my hb suggested I get out of the house after closing my Etsy shop in December 2011, i was hesitant and a little miffed at this idea. I love being home with our girls,{ Maggie, black Lab, and Shuggie, Redbone Coon Hound}. He would not quit. I finally decided to try Avon again; it was so easy. Not so much now. The best part is it's on line now and you can order directly or order on the net and have your Avon lady deliver your order. Go to Avon .com to find a representative in your area. In Allen my rep is Linda Roberge 972-467-9743 or go on line to her shop where all of the current campain books are there in color. She's very nice.

After I joined Avon I went to our new Pier1 store with my hb to buy a halltree we had seen there and loved. The girls there were delightful and carried the somewhat cumbersome halltree to ourtruck and loaded it. I thought I would love to work there. But I didn't want to sell on the floor as I had done for 6 years at J.C.Penney some time ago while I was still teaching and after I retired. I applied and was hired. I've enjoyed opening freight and seeing all the Halloween and Fall items; the Thanksgiving and Christmas items too! Some sunday nights we work late and set up displays and take out all the items I hae opened with others help. We stayed till 3:00 one Sunday night! My Manager and I got along great! Her name is Heather Davis and the store is in Allen at the new Allen Mall on Stacy Road 1580 is the store number. Sadly that job ended when the assistant Mgr. decided to get rid of me. I was blindsided and set up for dismissel. So, now I'm back at home again with my girls. It was fun for awile. I asked my hb," what do you want me to do next?" He looked at me like I had two heads. I said," Well you told me to go to work;get out of the house. Now that I've had two jobs and quit them, what do you want me to do?" He denied having done any such thing. I couldn't believe my ears! He now says I don't have to do anything if I don't want to. Thw moral of this story is: I proved to him and to myself that I could get a job thst I wanted to do and I could succeed in the training Avon expects and the physical effort that Pier1 expects,have a great working with the staff and mgrs at both.And I can leave on my own terms. With a little help from Pier1. I have no hard feelings now and Heather and I are on good terms since she had no idea what the assisstant Mgr was up to. I will shop there with my hb. Carma is a great equilizer.  

Hope you all are well and happy! Share you stories with me. All the best. Kat

Friday, September 7, 2012

Summer 2012 comes to a close

It's been awhile since we talked. Lots has happened with us as I'm sure with you all also. Things have settled down to a maneagable degree. Dad, Gary my hb has been dealing with diverticulosis which apparently runs in his family but no one mentioned it to him till recently. He's had other things for awhile but apparently it was caused by his Cancer treatments, quemo and radiation in 96'. You can't eat nuts of any kind or seeds as in tomato seeds,berries,pickles the list goes on as my hb discovered on line. He's fine if he doesn't eat at night, only mac and cheese or noodle soup. The result of eating any seeds is cramps and diahrea at any time any where. He has determined that it takes 17 hours to see if he's violated some other nono, at which timw he'd best be close to a comfort station.
While Dad works  through this jungle of trial and errors, he won't slow down. He rides his motor and we ride our trike whenever the weather is suitable which has been better than last summer. Now he's back to school teaching in Garland High School here in Texas. He's writing curriculum for a new course  he and other Science teachers in the district are creating. He was recognized for his extensive work this summer in outlining and creating materials for the teachers in the district to use in this new course meant to bridge Physics math and Science which has not been totally successful as many students are in my hb's remedial science class for tax as juniors who failed the Tax test. Sorry about the run-on sentence.

I, in the meantime, enjoy retirement from teaching Spanish here in Texas. I keep busy with  our house and our two girls, Maggy,a black Lab, and Sugar(shuggie) our Red Bone Hound. In the last week, for no apparent reason, I've had the urge to purge our home of everything unnessessary. No, I'm not pregnant although the thought had entered my mind that I might be going to shuffle off this mortal coil, you know, die. I go through the house gathering up books and magazines and clothes to donate more than ever before. I have used our den for an office since I retired and opened a shop on line selling hand sewn items on Etsy a homemade site for over 20,000 shops of all types for men and women. After three years of pleasure sewing and taking pictures and putting the pictures on my shop on line I had to close. Uncle Sam says if you don't make a profit in three years you are a hobby. I was so busy sewing and showing on Etsy I reluctantly realized my shop was full of things our Mothers and Grandmothers made to GIVE to their families, not sell. So, since last December I've been trying to find my next project, job or purpose.  The den was this next purpose, although my hb suggested I get a job! To which I repeated, as I have before, I had worked since I was sixteen and had no desire to leave my nest to go out in the world to be told what to do by someone half my age. However, I succumbed to the idea when we happened upon an import shop that intrigued me so much that I applied for parttime work there. No news yet, but in the meantime I've turned our den into that, a den. That was the beginning of the whole house transformation. And not just during the daytime hours. My Maggie has awakened from a peaceful sleep some wee hours of the morning to me carrying things here and there and there to here. Tonight was one of those nights when I got the urge to clean out my closet. Our son, Thad, has a place of his own so I have temporarily commondered his room to store overflow as I decide what to do with it. While I was moving shoes and luggage from my closet a huge cockroach appeared before me. I tried to hit it with an old sandal but it went back into the corner of the closet.  Due to West Nile Desease we have mosquuito spray for inside and out so I grabbed the spray and blasted the corner into which the roach had retreated. Soon it raced toward me and as I grabbed the sandal and swung at it, it took off for under the dresser. I sprayed under the dresser and the bed and the night stands. By then I had to escape from my own room!  That is why I am sitting here at my computer blogging away at 5:40 am. My hb has left for school and the girls are asleep again.I will resume soon and bring you up to speed. All my best. Kathie

Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer is in full swing

Hotter than usual, we have had 100 degrees several times in June. As you are well aware floods and fires have pleged the US. My husband and I have considered going on a road trip while we have summer vacation from teaching for him. Nowhere is there safe highway north,south,east or west due to the overflowing Mississippi river which affects at least eleven states and the fires in Colorado and are in the news daily.

 At least we can get around here in Texas. Everything is still quite green and we have had periodic rain keeping things fresh. My roses have done well and all survived our winter. Mowing every other week has kept the grass green and in little need for watering. Dad (my hb) and I venture out early while it is still cool. We rode the trike the other day and were quite comfortable until 11:30 when we got home.

Having closed my Etsy shop in December I've taken up again ceramic painting. I had several pieces stored in my den. They had been fired and were ready for paint. Those pieces turned out pretty well. I've been using Rosemalling strokes and will continue adding some Donna Duberry strokes also.(One stroke)

Swimming has also given me some exersize. As a senior citizen here in Allen,
Texas, I'm able to enjoy our pool and exercise center and senior citizen center activities for 25.00 a year! These give me some options when Dad wants to ride on his motorcycle or run around in his truck. We have several places we enjoy dining in the area. Red Lobster is for special occasions but their lobster tail,shrimp cabob and scallop cabob is a wonderful choice at 19.99. Includes salad or coleslaw, rolls and another side. I really enjoy the coleslaw and the garlic potatoes.

Applebees has two for 20.00 meals that include an appetizer. We usually don't get an appetizer as a rule so we opt for other entrees. Their streak and shrimp is delicious although no rolls are included the meal is filling and a side is included.

When we ride our trike we stop at McDonalds for a breakfast burrito. Just right to hold us over till lunch. Lunch being the most important meal in the summer for us. Our routine on the road is ride,eat,shop.

In a differend vain, I just signed up for Medicare. I have a hard time saying Medicare. Probably because I can't believe I'm turning 65 soon! Be sure to call your health provider to see if you need to get part B.  A is free and is hospitalization so take that for sure. D is for prescriptions. My hb only took part A because he is still working but I am retired already so in order to get help of 80% I must get Part B too. Call Social security  and your health provider to be sure what your case requires. Also, if you qualify for social secuity, as I do a small amount, the fee in my case 115.00 a month will come out automatically each month.

You probably wonder how all this applies to you. Believe me. Staying active and taking care of the future are the most important thing now. We have time we didn't have when we were working to enjoy simple things.
I enjoy riding on our trike because everything around us is stunningly beautiful. The trees and the animals, the old barns and the big ranches with bales of hay are a picture I'd like to paint in my primitive style; small cottages and small towns, mom and pop restaurants for a quick bite. Taking pictures on the back of the trike of beautiful horses and precious donkeys and calves give me memories to share with loved ones and friends.

You young ones with new spousea or new babies can enjoy with them these things too. A ride in the country always made me happy. Getting out of town is refreshing. Spiritually I'm still studying Beth Moore. Jesus, the One and Only is wonderful as are many others available at Christian book store for 20.00. There are many to choose from and each has 10 lessons of 5 chapters at least so for the money you get a lot. Beth makes us look up lots of bible verses and answer many questions from the scripture. She is inspiring and writes from the heart. She credits the Lord for these study materials and she shares her life experiences with us. Joyce Meyer is also wonderful. Both ladies are on tv. Beth is on Wed at 6:00 on the James Robison show in the religious section of the guide.  Beth is for ladies and gives us the tools we need to raise good kids and have good marriages. I was late to read the scripture but Beth makes it come alive. Some churches,  especially the Baptist churches have classes for a fee of the book only and the videos are shown. I enjoy the books enough I can work on my own and on my schedule,

I must go now. Thanks for joining me today. I hope you and yours are enjoying the summer. Please let me know what you are ding and share information you have found that we all could benefit from. God Bless You All. Your friend, Kathie

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas has come and gone

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We took a short trip to Fredericksberg and Johnson City to see all the lights. It was so unseasonably warm everyone was in shirtsleeves. Nothing like the past few days with at least 5 inches of snow and freezing temperatures! Several more to come. Our County had the most accumulation in the area I was told.

I sadly closed my shop on Etsy. After three years it looked like a no go even after many craft shows and elementary school presentations it was time to admit my crafts aren't people's choice. On to my next challenge.

With the new year I've gone through the closets and drawers cleaning out many unused items to donate to our Cancer Box up the street. Feels like a new place. I've heard it lightens one's spirit to unload the clutter and it has mine. Four piles: keep,throw away,donate, sell.

We've discovered a new source of fuel for our fireplace. Having run out of newspaper I used some shredded paper to start the fire. It really works. And not all of the paper goes at once. Spots flame up at different times starting other logs. I keep a bag of shredded paper near the fireplace and shovel several batches under the grate, light and wa la you have a fire. It works especially well in a fire pit outside. Smaller pieces of wood burn for a long time with shredded paper. We've enjoyed cool evenings recently and cooked hot dogs and marshmallows together. Dad's idea to use shredded paper in fire pit.

Well I'll close now with best wishes to you all for a great New Year. Leave a message telling me about your holiday activities. Hugs, Kat xo

Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy Trails Coming Soon

Thanksgiving we will be taking off on our trike for some mountains and familiar sites in Arkansas. We'll load up the trike on our trailer and five hours later we'll be in heaven! We'll head up to Eurika Springs and the War Eagle Mill Restaurant and gift shop. We'll ride the Ouachita Mountains and rough it in a Comfort Inn and Suites for five nights, since my hb has a week off from school in Garland, Texas.
I'll sit behind him on our trike and snap pictures as we ride along. I'll put some in my blog when we get back. Hope you all are planning some fun for Thanksgiving. Let me know what youall are going to do. Hugs. Kat

It's SOOOO Sweet! The Rangers Go to the Big Dance!

It's been awhile since I've gotten so excited! And never about baseball. But these Rangers have a fire lit under them like no other! Thanks to Nolan Ryan these Men have one of their own to look out after them! What a pleasure to see a team that cares about each other and works hard to reach a long elusive goal. Go Rangers! Add your comments, please. Kat